Merchandise Production & Distribution

100% Good is well-experienced in merchandise production in Auckland. We work with quality garment suppliers and local screen printers. Whether you’d like merchandise to be sold in the 100% Good web store on a continual basis or you’d like merchandise produced for live events, we’re more than happy to help. We can also take care of the logistics too if you need your merchandise for New Zealand wide tours.

100% Good operates an online retail space. Artists who operate their merch through 100% Good can be seen on our artist page. Each artist has their own collection page with their individual product listings. 100% Good takes care of all product photography and listing details. We’re more than happy to brand your collection page with your preferred logo and imagery and we will ensure links to your social media accounts. 100% Good’s online store offers a secure and convenient way for your fans to find and purchase your merch within New Zealand. The web store takes payment via Stripe.  

We provide a warehousing space to hold all of your merch so that we can ship a customer order the moment we receive it. 100% Good takes care of order confirmation emails, tracking details and any general customer queries to make fulfilment as easy as possible. We proudly use 100% recycled courier bags made from post-consumer and post-industrial material that can easily be recycled once used.

We will keep you up to date with your merch sales on a weekly basis. Together we can figure out your best sellers, order more stock and refresh designs.

To find out more about how you can produce and sell your merch through 100% Good or for any of the other listed services, get in touch here.